Monday, March 24, 2008

宏觀報導: 移民英國認證語言障礙多

我之前採訪的僑社新聞現在在宏觀電視的網站上,標題為 "英國伯恩茅斯 移民英國認證語言障礙多". (因為網站更新的緣故, 如果您在網頁右下角"新聞選單"處找不到該報導, 請依下列步驟觀看:

1. 網頁左下角 "僑社新聞網" 按鈕選單處按下 "地區"; "地區" 的下拉式選單處選 "歐洲" --> 中間選 "英國" --> 右邊選 "伯恩茅斯".

2. "日期"處兩邊都設定為 2008-03-23. 右下方 "查詢" 處按一下, 該報導會在右方"新聞選單"處出現. 即使你聽到 "We do not understand the link you have requested. Please check the link and try again" 也沒有關係.

3. 在"英國伯恩茅斯 移民英國認證語言障礙多"標題連結處點一下.

4. 在左方的播放視窗處按下該三角形按鈕, 即可收看.


時間飛逝,還記得去年這個時候還在掙扎要去 LSE 還是 Bournemouth University,下週我就要到期待已久的 BBC Radio Oxford 實習了。這兩個學期以來,經歷了不少挫折,但也因為如此,我相信未來成功的果實也更為甜美。

一開始從不知道去哪裡找新聞,到第二學期每週要交二到三則新聞 (兩則網路新聞加一則廣播或電視新聞)。聽起來好像不怎麼多,可是實際做了之後才知道真的很不容易,因為我們平常還有課要上,真正能夠出去採訪的時間只剩大約兩天。週末不好採訪,因為公司行號政府機關都休假,除非做的新聞都跟這些無關,不然週末只能找新聞、計畫如何採訪、找誰採訪。




許多英國及中國家長攜家帶眷魚貫進入之後,就在同一個地方,我遇到一位之前在雜誌上看到的氣功兼武術老師 Alan Tinnion。原本就打算採訪他作為我的人物特寫報導,沒想到竟然在這樣的時空下相遇,他身旁同名的朋友 Alan Mercel-Sanca 是位自學的畫家,也成為我筆下評析的對象,之後我們也都成為朋友。Tinnion 先生是很傳奇的人物,從小就拜徐金棟大師為師。(徐大師武術示範)。Mercel-Sanca 先生則是從小跟他祖父學畫畫,沒有接受過所謂正規的藝術學校教育,但是其作品一直受到紐約著名的 Agora Gallery 青睞。

有一次晚上去博恩茅斯市議會開的特別全員大會 (Special Full Council),採訪市議員的津貼預算案,這事關議員本身是否應該接受獨立審查小組的建議,提高給市議員的津貼。在大會中我看到了許多新奇的事,也有令我敬佩的事。

會議一開始博恩茅斯市長走到主席桌前,the Mace Bearer (暫譯: 杖守) 捧著一支光彩奪目鑲有寶石的權杖 (the Mace) 獻在市長面前,象徵市長的威儀及會議正式開始。接著大家就規規矩矩地按照議事規則開會,先由執政的保守黨議員解釋為什麼他們要接受審查小組的建議,再由反對的自由民主黨議員提出意見。這在當地是極具爭議性的預算案 (因為通過的話市民賦稅也相對增加),而且兩派意見不一,但是過程非常理性和平,絕對沒有打架爭吵搶麥克風拉頭髮吐口水等等荒唐的行徑,議員也很尊重主席,不超過發言時間。發言的議員也都有備而來,還很正式地將要發言的內容打成演講稿。自由民主黨議員 Claire Smith 說的這段話更是令人感動:

"The pensions of our elder people will not even be rising by inflation. We are the representatives of people to the council. This is not supposed to be a full time career but an opportunity for people from all walks of life to make a difference and to serve their community. If you want the private sector pay, work in the private sector. If you want to serve the community, serve it well."

我想任何市民聽到這席話應該也都感到欣慰才是。不過保守黨議員暨市議會議長 Stephen Macloughlin 也指出另外一面:
"Is it right that we have equivalent work to other councils but actually have lower entitlements? The independent panel has done its work and it's up to each of our members to decide whether to take up these entitlements. We will make sure we discharge our duties properly and professionally."

雖然保守黨對自由民主黨人數懸殊 (40:7),投票結果顯然是由執政的保守黨獲勝。但是反對黨議員也還是尊重民主程序,很有風度的接受。


Sunday, March 09, 2008

Black Gold and Fairtrade

Today is the last day of Fairtrade Fortnight. Bournemouth University has organised a series of activities. Over the past two weeks, owners of fairtrade shops were invited and Poole Council representative said hopefully Poole can become a fairtrade town in a few weeks. What impressed me most of those activities was the movie, Black Gold, shown on campus. It's a documentary about the plight of Ethiopian coffee farmers and how fairtrade can help them. Here are some stunning statistics and information I jotted down while watching the film:

*20 billion cups of coffee are drunk everyday.

*Before Oromia Union (a co-operative system formed by Ethiopian coffee farmers) was in place, Ethiopian coffee will have to go through 6 chains to the hands of end consumers. The union helped remove 60% of the chain.

*Women working 8 hours picking coffee beans in Ethiopia earn less than one dollar a day.

*But "$0.57 a day would change our lives beyond recognition," a coffee farmer said.

*"Chat" or "khat" is a small shrub used to make narcotic drugs with a better price than coffee beans. Many coffee farmers in Ethiopia are forced to grow chat on their coffee farms to sustain their families.

* "We want to avoid death," said a coffee farmer who was forced to grow chat.

*Part of the unfair trade problem is caused by no subsidies to farmers in poor countries and subsidies to those in many developed countries.

*"Trade is more important than aide," an African representative emphasised in the Doha round WTO meeting.

*7 million people in Ethiopia depend on emergency food aide every year.

*Over the last 20 years, Africa's trade share in the world has fallen to only 1%.

Eastern Elements Revisited

A recent feature I wrote is about how eastern culture, philosophy, religion, martial arts, etc (called eastern elements for short) influenced western people's lifestyle. All of my interviewees are western people from different backgrounds. They made me re-examine my own culture, my religious beliefs and the philosophy involved as if I have also undergone a process of mental catharsis. The following are two excerpts of my own reflection:

“This concept is similar to a hidden atheist view of the universe in Daoism, of which Wu Wei (non-action) is an important part. Wu Wei, is often confused with, but is never the same as, inaction: it means unintentional behaviour without any deliberate attempt. It is believed that any purposeful behaviour would lead to deviation from nature. Thus Wu Wei is often associated with concepts such as de-materialism, anti-commercialism, “letting nature taking its course”, harmony, and flexibility, on which the philosophy of martial art Tai-Ji is based."

"Buddhism emphasises that everyone can reach enlightenment, or Nirvana, through following the Noble Eightfold Path (the way to cease suffering) spontaneously. The concept of reincarnation illustrates the understanding of life as a continuum---previous life, present life, and afterlife, thus the importance of seizing the moment, not to indulge, but to uproot the stems of suffering. In this regard, Mr Mercel-Sanca's proactive determination to enlightenment is closely aligned with Buddhism.”

Google Web Definitions (by Jorge Sierra)