留學英國 11 (BU 新生說明會手冊)
前幾天 Bournemouth University 寄來一份 ISOP (International Students' Orientation Programme) 資料, 還附上一本非常實用且重要的 Welcome Guide, 心中的某些疑惑獲得了解決. 看到 ISOP 的行程中還包括倫敦一日遊, 更是不免興奮了起來.
"The gunfire around us makes it hard to hear. But the human voice is different from other sounds. It can be heard over noises that bury everything else. Even when it's not shouting. Even when it's just a whisper. Even the lowest whisper can be heard over armies... when it's telling the truth." ~ The Interpreter
前幾天 Bournemouth University 寄來一份 ISOP (International Students' Orientation Programme) 資料, 還附上一本非常實用且重要的 Welcome Guide, 心中的某些疑惑獲得了解決. 看到 ISOP 的行程中還包括倫敦一日遊, 更是不免興奮了起來.
2007-07-21 evening
King Join restaurant logo and teapot (below)
標籤: exhibits, life and trivia
July 16th, 2007 was a special day for two reasons: it officially marked the end of my 3-year Spanish learning and on the same day when I went to see a dentist for dental scaling, he told me that I may be of Mongolian descent since I have oral tori, a genetic legacy from Mongols according to the dentist.
This probably explains why I find Japanese familiar to me (even though whether Japanese belongs to Altaic family is still disputed).
I'm beginning to find intriguing the interplay between genetics, anthropology and historical linguistics...
標籤: life and trivia
"...The vases are Ming, the wooden furniture is Victorian. Walls are Baroque. The high ceilings and wide narra planks for flooring are Castillan. And the capiz windows and louvers were adapted by the Spaniards to provide better ventilation in our tropical climate..."
Personalized news could be defined as customized news tailored to the needs and preferences of online users. Due to the advancements in technology, personalized news has unparalleled advantages over traditional media to its users and journalists. One of the strengths is the ability to deliver customized services, such as so-called "news alerts" and "news on demand", to individuals. With personalized news, the viewing public can "be the first to know" as soon as a story breaks, as CNN boasts.
Another advantage is the interactivity inherent in the online world which enables users to share views and feedback, instead of simply acting as passive recipients. With this interactive ability, users have been able to take a more active role in shaping which stories news media publish. In some cases, users have even leveraged the internet to mobilize support for certain grassroots issues. In other words, users could also be agenda setters.
In addition to offering benefits to news consumers, personalized news also benefits journalists. They can get instant feedback from individual users and know better about their target audience. What's more, because the news content is user-defined, online journalists don't have to make the same trade-offs as their traditional counterparts when selecting topics and thus have greater leeway in deciding which topics to publish.
Finally, neither users nor journalists of personalized news are bound by the same constraints as in traditional media. They have greater freedom to access news archives virtually any time and any place. Personalized news has opened up a new page in journalism and it is interesting to see how the future of journalism unfolds.
標籤: journalism
The English quote is from the Quotations Page.
translation/photo by TJ (Tony Jian). All rights reserved.
標籤: quotations, translation
The English quote is from the Quotations Page.
translation/photo by TJ (Tony Jian). All rights reserved.
標籤: quotations, translation
The English quote is from the Quotations Page.
translation/photo by TJ (Tony Jian). All rights reserved.
標籤: quotations, translation
1. 簽證影本
2. 護照簽名頁影本
3. 存簿封面影本
4. 入學許可影本+正本(驗畢退還)
1. 三分之二的獎學金於出國前發放, 剩餘三分之一於返國繳交心得及國外成績單後發放.
2. 大筆金額的消費如學費, 來回機票, 住宿費等要保留單據核銷, 其餘小額消費總歸為生活費
3. 兩名保人可為自己父母
4. 在友校可把握機會介紹自己母校
如果三分之二的獎學金可以在出國前發下來的話, 就可以趁英鎊下跌時分多次買進, 湊足學費後一次繳清, 有的學校還可因此提供優惠折扣. (BU 是 5%).