Monday, June 25, 2007

留學英國及獎學金申請過程---9 ( BU 年度經費預估)

伯恩茅斯大學 (Bournemouth University)

1. MA Multi-Media Journalism 多媒體新聞學學程
學費:一年約 £7,500 (不包含保證金即學費的15% 或 £1,000;不包含基本材料費)
2. MA Broadcast & Film Management 廣播與電影管理學程
學費:一年約 £7,500 (不包含保證金即學費的15% 或 £1,000)
3. MA Magazine Journalism 雜誌新聞學學程
學費:一年約 £8,000 (不包含保證金即學費的15% 或 £1,000)
4. MA Journalism (International) 新聞學 (國際) 學程
學費:一年約 £8,000 (不包含保證金即學費的15% 或 £1,000)

保證金必須在收到入學許可四週之內繳付 (學費及保證金)

生活費 (不含住宿):每月約 £519.28
住宿費:每月約 £240 ~ £296
書籍文具費:一年約 £180
二手腳踏車費:約 £50 (生活費及住宿)

上述各項費用加總平均每月約 £1,497.19 ~ £1,601.1 (若以一英鎊兌換NT$ 64.8計約 NT$ 97,017.912 ~ NT$ 103,751.28),尚不包含機票, 研究所需費用 (如問卷、影印、購買相關資料等)。總計一年所需費用約 NT1,300,000.

留學英國及獎學金申請過程---8 ( LSE 年度經費預估)

這是我申請 LSE 以下兩學程所蒐集到的資料:

英國倫敦政經學院 (London School of Economics and Political Sciences)
1. MSc Media and Communications Regulation and Policy
2. MSc Media and Communications

學費:一年約 £12,936 (上述學程一年學費)
生活費 (不含住宿):每月至少約 £1,000
住宿費:每月約 £276.6 ~ £727不等,視宿舍而定 (以下為LSE提供的宿舍價格)
Grosvenor House (postgraduates preferred; 5-minute walk):Single en suite - £128 - £178 per week + Common Room Fee - £10 per term;Twin en suite (per person) - £85 - £106 per week + Common Room Fee - £10 per term

Sidney Webb House (postgraduates preferred) (35-minute walk):Single en suite - £99 - £111 per week + Common Room Fee - £10 per term

Bankside House (25-minute walk):Single shared bathroom - £112 per week + Common Room Fee - £10 per term

Butlers Wharf (25-minute traveling by London Underground):Single - up to £92 per week + Common Room Fee - £10 per term

Carr-Saunders Hall (25-minute walk):Single - £90 per week + Common Room Fee - £20 per term

High Holborn (10-minute walk):Single - from £128 to £142 per week + Common Room Fee - £10 per term;Twin en suite - £89 per week + Common Room Fee - £10 per term

Lilian Knowles (30-minute walk):Single en suite - from £117 to £128 per week + Common Room Fee - £10 per term;Studio flat - from £128 to £181 per week + Common Room Fee - £10 per term

Horthumberland House (10-minute walk):Single en suite - from £113 to £144 per week + Common Room Fee - £10 per term;Twin en suite - from £72 to £88 per week + Common Room Fee - £10 per term

Passfield Hall (20-minute walk):Single - from £113.19 to £119.28 per week + Common Room Fee - £15;Twin - from £82.04 to £88.06 per week + Common Room Fee - £15;Triple - £67.90 per week + Common Room Fee - £15

Rosebery Hall (25-minute walk):Single en suite - £123 per week + Common Room fee - £15 per term;Single - £78 - £102 per week + Common Room fee - £15 per term

書籍文具費:一年約 £180
二手腳踏車費:約 £50
上述各項費用加總平均每月約 £2,373.76 ~ £2,824.16 (若以一英鎊兌換NT$ 64.8計約 NT$ 153,819.648 ~ NT$ 183,005.568),尚不包含機票, 研究所需費用 (如問卷、影印、購買相關資料等)。總計一年所需費用約 NT1,800,000

留學英國及獎學金申請過程---7 (Bournemouth University 越洋口試, 複試)

在此簡略回顧申請 Bournemouth University (簡稱 BU) 的過程, 好讓各位估算需要提早多久開始準備.

2006年9月: 選擇, 比較英國傳播媒體相關碩士學程資料
2006年10月8日 (研二上): 開始著手申請 BU Media School 的碩士學程
2006年11月24日: 透過 UKEAS 大英國協教育資訊中心 幫我掃瞄申請表, 推薦函等所有文件給 BU
2007年1月22日: BU 審查了我的申請表 (Direct Application Form) 後, 通知我要越洋口試
2007年2月6日 (寒假中): 越洋口試, 教授針對申請表內容發問, 除了測試英語能力之外, 也了解個人就讀該學程的動機. 口試結束後, 教授說還有複試, 內容說明如下:

Thank you for talking to me on the phone this afternoon. As promised I am now forwarding a press release about Bournemouth buses. I'd be grateful if you would use the information in this press release to write a 250-word story for the Bournemouth news media, bearing in mind that statements have to be attributed to whoever said them. Please also then include 5 suggestions for ways to develop the story further, for example by interviewing certain types of people or researching more information.If you can email me your reply as soon as possible, we will then be able to make a decision on your application.

2007年2月8日: 得到無條件入學許可 (Unconditional Offer), 申請過程共歷時約半年不到.
入學許可上註明必須在一個月內繳交 £1000 訂金保留資格.

留學英國及獎學金申請過程---6 (獎學金所需文件列表)

如果同時申請許多獎學金, 各單位要求的文件不一, 為了避免遺漏以及方便起見, 我做了一張獎學金所需文件列表, 有需要的同學可以自行修改使用.


1. 推薦函部份"中"指中文; "英"指英文; "工"指由工作主管撰寫, 或內容需跟工作經歷相關; "學"指由學校教授填寫, 內容需跟學術相關

2. 各獎學金所需文件僅供參考.

Google Web Definitions (by Jorge Sierra)