繼紅寶石小姐的感言之後, 我也要謝謝科技王子. 感謝他在濟緹王國裡不斷地消弭數位落差, 還鼓勵我這個科技貧民接受數位轉型的洗禮, 目前已經漸漸晉升至科技死老百姓的階級. 小民於此要向王子致上崇高的敬意, 希望王子遠征日本時小民還能蒙厚您的德澤.
"The gunfire around us makes it hard to hear. But the human voice is different from other sounds. It can be heard over noises that bury everything else. Even when it's not shouting. Even when it's just a whisper. Even the lowest whisper can be heard over armies... when it's telling the truth." ~ The Interpreter
繼紅寶石小姐的感言之後, 我也要謝謝科技王子. 感謝他在濟緹王國裡不斷地消弭數位落差, 還鼓勵我這個科技貧民接受數位轉型的洗禮, 目前已經漸漸晉升至科技死老百姓的階級. 小民於此要向王子致上崇高的敬意, 希望王子遠征日本時小民還能蒙厚您的德澤.
張貼者: TJ 位於 9:49 am
標籤: life and trivia
濟緹 這名字取得好! 感覺文化水平翻了好幾翻!簡大學者果然厲害!
@_@ Very flattered indeed. You're very welcome, TJ. I'm more than happy to share what I know because the more & sooner we're used to the latest technology, the more efficiently and cheaper we can all remain in touch... Mmmm... Thank you.
過獎, 愚本布衣, 焉能與寶石妃相提並論 ^^
Your highness, I hope we all can still keep in touch without difficulties in the following year.
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