留學英國 12 (LSE 傳媒所所長信函)
七月三十一日收到 LSE 媒體與傳播研究所 (Dep. of Media & Communications) 所長 Prof. Sonia Livingstone 寄來的 email, 恭喜我獲得錄取, 成為該所的新生 (內容如下). 前一天晚上我才正式上網取消申請, 得知錄取消息後內心卻是異常平靜.
腦海中只是浮現一個畫面: 我坐著火車向窗外凝視, 景物像快速倒轉的帶子往身後飛去, 車子經過大站沒有停靠, 卻來到另一個小站.
我看著地圖, 準備下車, 相信這裡離目的地比較近. 未來的路程也許顛簸, 但意想不到的收穫也更多.
Dear ________,
I would like to congratulate you on being offered a place on this exciting and challenging programme. By now you should have received your official offer from our Graduate Admissions Office. This will give you all the information you need about the formalities to be followed in joining the programme. If you are holding a conditional offer, you will still need to meet this condition and to provide evidence of having done so to the Graduate Admissions Office before your offer will be confirmed and registration materials sent.
The purpose of this letter is to convey some information that will give you a head start in your studies, so that you can get the maximum benefit from your LSE experience.
Our courses are theoretical in nature, informed by the intellectual and empirical insights of the teaching staff and the academic field of media and communications more broadly. While our courses may often include opportunities to consider how theory and empirical research may be applied in particular settings, we do not offer a sustained practical training of the kind one might expect from, for example, a Business or Journalism School. Typically, courses in the department are taught through the combination of a weekly one hour lectures plus a weekly one-hour seminar. Lectures may be delivered to large groups of students, depending on the numbers of students who select that course. Seminars may be taught in smaller groups (up to 18 students) by full time faculty or by appropriately trained part-time Graduate Teaching Assistants.
The New Arrivals webpage is updated regularly and you'll find all the information you need to know about Induction and Registration.
We are currently preparing our 2007/08 Handbooks and these will be posted on our website over the summer. This is a dynamic programme and we would like the Handbook to be as up to date as possible, but in the meantime, you may like to look at our 2006/07 Handbooks, which are available on our departmental web pages.
Full study guides and reading lists for 2007/08 will be available at the start of term.
Thank you. To our studies! Skoal!
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