留學英國 11 (BU 新生說明會手冊)
前幾天 Bournemouth University 寄來一份 ISOP (International Students' Orientation Programme) 資料, 還附上一本非常實用且重要的 Welcome Guide, 心中的某些疑惑獲得了解決. 看到 ISOP 的行程中還包括倫敦一日遊, 更是不免興奮了起來.
"The gunfire around us makes it hard to hear. But the human voice is different from other sounds. It can be heard over noises that bury everything else. Even when it's not shouting. Even when it's just a whisper. Even the lowest whisper can be heard over armies... when it's telling the truth." ~ The Interpreter
前幾天 Bournemouth University 寄來一份 ISOP (International Students' Orientation Programme) 資料, 還附上一本非常實用且重要的 Welcome Guide, 心中的某些疑惑獲得了解決. 看到 ISOP 的行程中還包括倫敦一日遊, 更是不免興奮了起來.
張貼者: TJ 位於 5:12 pm
You bet! I hope I will have enough time exploring other cities as well.
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