Monday, July 16, 2007

I am of Mongolian descent?

July 16th, 2007 was a special day for two reasons: it officially marked the end of my 3-year Spanish learning and on the same day when I went to see a dentist for dental scaling, he told me that I may be of Mongolian descent since I have oral tori, a genetic legacy from Mongols according to the dentist.

This probably explains why I find Japanese familiar to me (even though whether Japanese belongs to Altaic family is still disputed).

I'm beginning to find intriguing the interplay between genetics, anthropology and historical linguistics...


Betty said...

Tony might be Mongolian...
so COOL!!!!!!
then you should act tougher ^________^
kinda curious what vegetarian Mongolians eat...

Ruby said...

haha!!我開始想向東尼學長 在青青草原上
快馬奔馳 為了蒙古包裡的妻女努力討生活
傍晚帶著獵物回來 妻子端給你一杯香濃的犛牛奶 太有意思啦!

TJ said...

Yeah, it's so surreal. I wonder whether my ancestors fought for Genghis Khan if I am truly of Mongolian descent.

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